комплект плагинов
Набор плагинов (Masters, L3, L316, MaxxVolume, Puig Tec EQ,1+5, Dorrough Meters, Center)
набор плагинов
набор плагинов ( Platinum, Restoration, Transform)
набор плагинов (Platinum, Restoration, Transform)
набор плагинов (Ren Maxx, Masters, Restoration) - лицензия Soundgrid (TDM)/Native
Набор плаг-инов (Surround Manager, Reverb, Imager, Limiter, Compressor, Mix down, Panner)
набор плагинов(V-Series,Diamond,L-Series,MaxxVolume,GTR,360? Surround Tools,Tune,DeBreath,IR1,IR360,Z-noise)
A comprehensive collection of audio processing tools, Diamond brings unparalleled signal processing power to your studio, for ...
When it comes to audio hardware modeling, Waves sets the standard to which others aspire. Our plug-ins don’t just mimic compon...
The Waves Platinum Bundle is an extraordinary collection of signal processing tools. From dynamics, equalization, and reverb t...